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Can’t use jinja2 in deployment files

We recently saw a problem where a user was having trouble doing an install via ./metroae install_everything. The problem: metroae was completing without doing anything. In the output, every component type displayed a message like this: [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: vstats PLAY

Invalid data failure: What is required input data?

We recently had a user stumble over input data validation. In MetroAE v3, all input data in your deployments folder is schema validated. This means that every file in your deployment must conform to the schema. This includes required data. In the case under discussion,

Not enough memory on KVM

Our lab machines tend to have small memory sizes. When we do our testing, we often ‘cheat’ by allocating less RAM for Nuage VMs that we spin up on hypervisors. This is *Not* acceptable in a production environment, but can be useful in a PoC

Docker CE

In my testing of the new MetroAE Croxley container deployment on CentOS 7, I have found the following installation instructions for Docker CE to be accurate and reliable: Docker Community Edition (CE) is ideal for individual developers and small teams looking to get started

TLS for VSC Connections to Forwarding Plane

By default, MetroAE will establish TLS OpenFlow channels from the VSCs to the forwarding-plane components, VRS and NSGv. TLS is required for NSGV/VNS, but not for VRS/VCS. In order to turn off TLS for your data-center VCS deployment, you would edit the following parameter in common.yml in
